Drum & Bass
In Appreciation of Elder Eugene Skeef
to this big brother
who makes with words, hugs from mother
this giant and elder
bonds together, love and meaning like a welder
with thoughts clear, deep and wide
he ferries you like Charon to the other side
of your understanding
into the purity of overstanding
from propaganda in a puddle
that your mind would muddle
to light, searing and bright
so much so, it might even give you a fright
he gifts you new eyes
to see truth from the lies
with words that break the bonds that tie
you to the limits of what money can buy
and make you wonder and sigh
free your heart, make it fly
bring you to your knees
look more closely at the bees
with his words improve your sight
leading you closer to your light
to ponder and improve the human plight
this being, manifest in light
Drum & Bass is an altogether too brief homage to Elder Eugene Skeef; light manifest in human form.
© Jesh Baker for Oppi Stoep 2024, All Rights Reserved