Light & Music
Light & Music
what do I know of this being
music deep and freeing
be it posh stages or smoky bars
in song, she holds her own smoky bars
in melody, in jazz, in sound
us all upon this earth found
in the words, the very feel
she is the real deal
and this star burns
offstage and in Life turns
breathing into harmonies
quietly growing sweet peas
sharing in time and thought
counsel and stuff that can’t be bought
nurturing and holding space
for the whole human race
that we may grow into new spaces
beyond living daily and murderous races
seek inside us all the eternal traces
of our light, beyond the golden maces
she is light
she is music
being human manifest
in plain sight
Light & Music is a praise song in appreciation of Estelle Kokot; a being of joyful light and soulful music.
© Jesh Baker for Oppi Stoep 2024, All Rights Reserved