Member-only story
Noted Runner
A change of heart is not as easy a change of mind, or is it the other way around?
The Highveld mornings are, in the words of the elder housemate, crisp. As are the late evenings. Of which there are more than a handful. And enriching ones at that. The elder housemate being a well-read and travelled human-shaped being with a razor sharp mind. Always a deadly combination and all the more engaging, when paired with an easy-going sense of humour. Still for all the mind engagements and the pack of mutts of questionable heritage hanging about, it’s a stretch to feel ‘home’. Which if you are a regular at Oppi Stoep might be a startling if not sudden turn of events from a self-professed traveller with no fixed abode. Oh dear, do I feel a change of heart looming?
At least not a literal change of heart; the current ticker, ticking along nicely despite my best efforts to trip it up with roll-ups, late nights and self-made anxieties about all the things I have absolutely no control over. Lucky me; for having this forgiving ticker that still plays along with what might be described as a rather random life over the past few years of being an itinerant.
According to a (now former) friend, itinerants tend to live shorter lives than settled folk with the nuclear family, mutts and assorted detritus that comes with being a modern nuclear family unit. I can see how this assertion get’s…