Trifle & Koan
It’s been a strange and wonderful few weeks.
Something little shifted in the multiverse and it’s faint ripples reached as far as the shores of this little village on the periphery of Durban, in this holy land. Like a whole part of something I know somehow has changed and I’m standing around asking myself — what just happened here? But that’s like a regular day anyway so it’s even more unsettling when the usually lost are finding themselves most unusually lost. Odd AF but we’re still here and according to Twitter, we move.
And this is indeed a time to move as much as any has been in human history. These days, that have been for the longest time now days of such calming nourishment, are just a little bit different and if I sound like I’m pretending to not be properly unsettled by it, you’d be spot on. If I told you it’s so odd, you’d have to forgive me for repeating myself.
Some time back, an old man drinking nuss-nuss at a dusty cafe table on a warm afternoon in Rabat told me that; ‘Finding oneself is about looking. Sometimes what’s needs to be seen is inside. What’s different is inside’ he said.
‘How will I know when I see it?’ I asked him and he smiled slowly and replied; ‘Does a tiger know it has stripes?’
Trifle & Koan is a bunch of words barely disguising my astonishment at my own beating heart. It’s awfully traitorous and that’s all there is to say about that. And Merry Christmas too.
© Jesh Baker, 2021