we give thanks
we give thanks for the beauty in people, places, hearts and minds.
we give thanks for the hands that hold us with deep, gentle, growing and learning love.
we give thanks for every ounce of good energy shared
we give thanks for the deeply beautiful lessons of the day
we give thanks for the lessons of the kind that drags its fingernails across the chalkboard of your very soul
we give thanks for the voice to shout out loud the injury
we give thanks for the (eventually) peaceful choice not to shout
we give thanks for the work-out of the mind, heart and soul
we give thanks for the tears that just well up and fall
we give thanks for the feeling of having failed myself and you that have come before me
we give thanks for feeling empty; drained; full of nothingness
we give thanks for the tears that just well up and fall
we give thanks for the hands and hearts far away, over a beautiful mountain pass
we give thanks for the minds and souls here now, from before and into the future that heard every thought and saw every tear drop
we give thanks for laying me bare and sparse
we give thanks for reminding me that I am not the fixer of all
we give thanks for reminding me that the we are exactly as we are meant to be
we give thanks for sitting hunched on the bare floor, adding my quota of tears to these floors.
we give thanks that you have drawn from my well, what is mine to give. Freely at last
we give thanks that sometimes it takes three years to know what you knew at the start
we give thanks that there has been three years at all — after that other news
we give thanks for an ocean of mercy
we give thanks for a brown chicken-bone hunting NinjaZenBearDog
we give thanks for faces in the coffee
we give thanks for the flowers in the garden
we give thanks for the work of being challenged to grow deeper into your being
we give thanks for the tears that well up and fall
we give thanks for the voices and emojis that exist near and far. Radiating pure love.
we give thanks for the light and learning that comes each day
we give thanks for the softness that brings in its tender embrace, grace
we give thanks for the day, for being and being made inexorably more.
For this humble grain of thanks in a granary of love, we give thanks